The Front Porch Blog, with Updates from AppalachiaThe Front Porch Blog, with Updates from Appalachia

Charting paths forward for coal communities

Saturday, August 8th, 2020 | Posted by Thom Kay | No Comments

For communities that depended on coal, the pandemic is exacerbating an already-urgent set of interlocking problems. Two regional coalitions have released plans to chart a brighter future for communities hit hardest by the changing coal economy. [ Read More ]

A win for solar! FERC protects net-metering

Monday, July 20th, 2020 | Posted by Emily Piontek | No Comments

Thanks to input from our supporters and beyond, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dismissed a petition that would have made solar net-metering illegal. [ Read More ]

It’s the Senate’s turn to pass the RECLAIM Act

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 | Posted by Chelsea Barnes | No Comments

Advocates for mine cleanup and economic development in Appalachia are calling on the U.S. Senate to pass the RECLAIM Act and AML Reauthorization after the two bills passed the U.S. House in early July. [ Read More ]

VICTORY! The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is cancelled!

Tuesday, July 7th, 2020 | Posted by Tom Cormons | No Comments

In a historic win for environmental justice, the 600-mile, massive fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline project has been cancelled. [ Read More ]

Promoting equity in the transition to clean energy

Friday, June 26th, 2020 | Posted by AV's Intern Team | No Comments

A new report examines the economic, social and health disparities associated with energy development, and highlights promising points of intervention to reduce inequities in the transition to clean energy. [ Read More ]

The Supreme Court rules, but ACP fight far from over

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020 | Posted by Peter Anderson | No Comments

The proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline still lacks more than half a dozen key permits and faces fierce policy and economic headwinds. The fight to stop it is far from over. [ Read More ]

Restoring Appalachia through outdoor recreation

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 | Posted by AV's Intern Team | No Comments

The Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition held a webinar in May in which regional organizations including Appalachian Voices spoke on innovative mine reclamation work being done to turn coal-impacted lands into outdoor recreation hot spots. [ Read More ]

Black Lives Matter. We stand in solidarity.

Monday, June 8th, 2020 | Posted by The Appalachian Voice | No Comments

Appalachian Voices stands in solidarity with the millions of Americans nonviolently rising up across the country in anguish and outrage to demand justice and dismantle systemic racism in America. [ Read More ]

A shady, dangerous attack on clean energy

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 | Posted by Emily Piontek | No Comments

In a major threat to clean energy advances across the U.S., a special interest group wants federal regulators to change the rules for solar owners -- in a bad way. [ Read More ]

Belong to an electric co-op? Your vote is needed!

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020 | Posted by Emily Piontek | No Comments

Most rural folks rely on electric co-ops for their power, and as "member-owners," they vote on board members who decide everything from rates to whether clean energy is part of their energy source. [ Read More ]

Delays, pollution and financial hurdles plague Blackjewel mines

Monday, May 18th, 2020 | Posted by Matt Hepler | No Comments

Recent developments in the Blackjewel bankruptcy case raise more doubts about whether the serious reclamation problems at many of its coal sites will be properly addressed anytime soon. [ Read More ]

It’s high time to abandon ship on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 | Posted by Ridge Graham | No Comments

Try as they might, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have never been able to justify the tremendous environmental and social costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline — nor the project’s economic burden on customers. As they meet with shareholders this week, they should abandon ship on this boondoggle. [ Read More ]



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